Earth Day at Elon: Raising awareness, taking action for a greener planet, community

Ashley Fahey

Friday, April 22 was this year’s Earth Day. Image courtesy of NOAA.

According to an informal survey of 158 Elon University students, 81 percent felt their Elon education has made a difference in their environmental awareness.

“I think Elon’s campus is pretty green,” said Eliza Hughes, a freshman. “People recycle here a lot; I try to do that too.”

When asked about the actions they took in order to help the environment, responders gave a wide variety of answers, from recycling to buying eco-friendly items to using their reusable cup to get a free cup of coffee from Starbucks, in celebration of Earth Day.

One of the most debated environmental issues over the past few years has been the global warming debate: whether to be worried about it or whether it is something that does not warrant concern. Of the 158 students surveyed, 50 were not concerned about the issues of global warming and taking personal action.

In celebration of Earth Day, Elon student organizations have organized many environment-related events to raise awareness about issues. From April 18 through April 22, events such as documentary screenings attempted to educate Elon students about issues such as the local food movement, sustainability and recycling.

Elon freshman Eliza Hughes talks about what she does for the environment on Earth Day.

“As educated people, we have a moral responsibility to take care of our home and to educate others to do the same,” said Molly Schriber, a senior. “We know we can do better than we do now and Earth Week is here to remind us of that.”

Earth Day started in 1970 to raise awareness of the environment and the impact of human activity on the Earth. It has since been celebrated by millions of people around the world.

“Earth Day is a time to celebrate and appreciate the Earth’s natural environment,” said Elaine Durr, Elon’s sustainability coordinator. “It is important for our community to understand the environment and sustainability issues that exist today and how each of us can contribute to solutions.”

One of the main objectives for Elon University is ensuring the campus is sustainable. Recently, the Princeton Review named Elon one of the nation’s “most environmentally responsible green colleges.”

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